There is LIFE after Divorce.
Solving the legal issues is our job. Planning the rest of your life is yours.The end of a relationship, even a short one, is a stressful and sad time. Starting on a new path or chapter of your life requires you to put the marriage and many related issues to rest. Our job at Merna Law is to help you get that fresh start with as little stress as possible. Solving the legal issues is our job. Planning the rest of your life is yours.
Uncontested Divorce
A situation where you and your spouse can agree on all the terms of the divorce. The important word here is “agree”. It is not enough that you know what you want. You have to make sure your spouse agrees and vice versa. We get clients everyday saying they want an uncontested divorce only to admit they have never discuss the terms with their spouse. If an uncontested divorce is what you are seeking you should discuss the terms with your spouse before even speaking with a divorce attorney. It will save you time and money.
The second important concept is to “agree on ALL the terms”. It is not enough to agree on most of the terms. Disagreement on a single issue can land you is length and expensive litigation. This is not an uncontested divorce. Common issues that need to be discussed and agreed upon:
- Separation of property;
- Separation of debt;
- Support (child & spousal);
- Custody.
Contested Divorce
Contested divorce is where you do not agree on one or more issues related to the separation. To give you a visual of why contested divorce is not where you want to be if you can help it – CONTEST = ATTORNEY TIME = MONEY. The more contested a divorce is, the more time involved, the more it costs. An attorney can not tell you the cost of a contested case. All he can do is give you the rate you are looking at depending on how contested it will be. You and you spouse are the only ones that have control over the costs. Sometimes it is unavoidable.